14 Trendy Burgundy Chrome Nails

trendy burgundy nails ideas

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Do you want to transform your nail game with a chic twist? Burgundy chrome nails are the ultimate choice for anyone craving to elevate their manis! This stunning style combines the elegance of deep burgundy chrome.

Burgundy Chrome Nails

Whether you’re dressing up for a night out or adding a bit of sparkle to your everyday look, burgundy chrome nails are the perfect look as they can bring a sophisticated and edgy touch to your style.

That said, to help you take your nail game to the next level this fall, we have gathered cute and stylish burgundy chrome nail ideas that will inspire your next manicure appointment.

1. Gold Tier Burgundy Nail Set

Pretty maroon nails with chrome
Image: luino.beauty.salon//instagram

This is one of the best nails to get if you want to look extra fancy for the season.

2. Burgundy Chrome Cat Eye Nails

Burgundy Chrome Cat Eye Nails
Image: sxcnails//instagram

It is a perfect choice for when you want a little flirty flair for an occasion you plan to attend.

3. Cherry Deep Burgundy Chrome Nails

Cherry Deep Burgundy Chrome Nails
Image: @gxsia // Instagram

Deep cherry burgundy is that nail that gives you the best contrast trend that is not going anywhere anytime soon.

4. Ombre Glazed Light Burgundy Nails

Ombre Glazed Light Burgundy Nails
Image: @glossyleny // Instagram

This abstract design is so cool and fancy. It is undoubtedly a great nail idea alternative to the pink chrome nails, especially if you find those too bright.

5. Burgundy and Stripe Chrome Nails

Burgundy and Stripe Chrome Nails
Image: @napaznokciach // Instagram

Get burgundy, but combine plain and stripes to create this charming nail design. This is another nail design to add to your fall collection.

6. Cherry Mocha Burgundy Chrome Nails

Cherry Mocha Burgundy Chrome Nails
Image: @avrnailswatches // Instagram

This gives an autumnal and snowy vibe at the same time. Personally love the stylish silver design and how the clean color burgundy color makes it pop.

7. Cute Burgundy Nails with Gold Accent Design

Cute Burgundy Nails with Gold Accent Design
Image: @emilykatnailartist // Instagram

The chrome topper might be minimal, but this adorable nail design can completely transform your look.

8. Tortie + Burgundy Chrome Nail Design

Tortie + Burgundy Chrome Nail Design
Image: @thenail_nymph // Instagram

Pair tortie with burgundy and you get a moody mysterious nail design that is already making waves in trend. This is quite gorgeous and easy to design.

9. Sunset Burgundy Chrome Nails

Sunset Burgundy Chrome Nails
Image: @_ease_spa // Instagram

Want a vintage burgundy chrome nail? This is the epic option we are rooting for. The deep wine shade compliments any skin tone and it is a classic autumn nail design.

10. Elegant Minimalist Burgundy Chrome Nails

Elegant Minimalist Burgundy Chrome Nails
Image: @thehotblend // Instagram

We are so in love with these deep burgundy French tip nails. If you have any parties or simply want to glam up your look in a subtle way, this nail design is perfect.

11. Cherry Tone French Chrome Nails

Cherry Tone French Chrome Nails
Image: @nailzkatkat // Instagram

Rather than go for a plain design, this cherry nail has interesting nail art that ensures your hands always pop no matter the outfit you are rocking.

12. Black Silver Cherry Chrome Nails

Black Silver Cherry Chrome Nails
Image: @style.by.nayl // Instagram

You can describe this nail as old money meets sophisticated autumn look so you can imagine how cool the nail would look on your hands.

13. Cool Burgundy-Red Chrome Nails

Cool Burgundy Red Chrome Nails
Image: @healthnaxon’s // Instagram

Cool burgundy chrome nail designs have a classy optimal look that ensures that they are always going to be in trend and also it is stylish.

14. Rich Luxurious Chrome Burgundy Nail Designs

Rich Luxurious Chrome Burgundy Nail Designs
Image: @nailzkatkat’s // Instagram

This is another shade of burgundy that is passing all of the vibe checks. It is a mix of earthy tones and luxurious appeal.

15. Velvet Fray Burgundy Strip Nail Designs

Velvet Fray Burgundy Strip Nail Designs
Image: @manicures.nyc // Instagram

These burgundy nails can be called perfection. The colors are pretty bright and also give you that cool swirl pattern you can’t help but love.

16. Festive Burgundy Chrome Nail Designs

Festive Burgundy Chrome Nail Designs
Image: @nailsby_avri // Instagram

Festive chrome nails are super exciting and when it’s burgundy, it is even more outstanding.

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