Can You Use Argan Oil When Pregnant?

Can You Use Argan Oil When Pregnant?

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Pregnancy can cause a series of changes in the body, and the skin and hair can sometimes be negatively affected. Pregnancy comes with many changes, from frequent breakouts to hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, and melasma, all of which can cause some expectant moms to avoid the mirror.

This is why skincare is essential during pregnancy, as it helps curb the side effect of pregnancy on the skin. Many natural oils and skincare products are on the market, but not all are safe for pregnant women.

Argan oil, on the other hand, has reportedly been an effective oil for skin-related issues such as stretch marks, acne, dry skin, and many more. There are many benefits, and it is appealing enough for pregnant women to want to apply it on their skin or hair. Hence, the query “can you use argan oil when pregnant?”

Yes, argan oil can be used on the skin and hair during pregnancy as it poses no potential harm to pregnant women. Expectant moms can enjoy all the benefits of argan oil without worrying about any side or negative effects

During pregnancy, it is very common for stretch marks to appear as the skin begins to stretch due to the life growing inside you and the usual weight gain that comes with it. In this article, you will be finding out if argan oil is safe during pregnancy and also get acquainted with several benefits of argan oil to the skin.

Does Argan Oil Have Side Effects During Pregnancy?

Argan oil is a natural remedy for stretch marks and other skin-related issues. Many like to refer to it as a godsent because of how mild and very effective argan oil is for skin dryness, uneven skin tone, and stretchmarks.

Another goodness of argan oil is that it can be used on all skin types, and oily skin types are not left out. However, we all understand that during pregnancy, many precautions must be taken for the safety of the mother and the unborn.

Unsurprisingly, some pregnant women would feel skeptical about using argan oil on their skin for fear of it hurting their sensitive skin. Is there any reason to be scared about using argan oil while pregnant?

Quick answer: Absolutely not. Pregnant women do not put their skin at any risk when using argan oil. Instead, argan oil helps promote their skin’s elasticity, thereby reducing the effects of skin expansion.

Argan oil can also be safely combined with other natural essential oils like coconut oil, and almond oil, as this oil contains fatty acid and vitamin E.

How To Use Argan Oil While Pregnant

Using argan oil appropriately can ensure its effectiveness so it is best to know how to safely use it on the skin during pregnancy. The following are the ways to apply argan oil on the skin.

  • Wash the skin with mild soap and warm water.
  • Pour a few drops of argan oil on the fingertips.
  • Apply on dampened skin.
  • Gently massage argan oil on affected areas till it is fully absorbed into the skin.
  • Repeat twice a day preferably morning and night for effectiveness.

It is common to begin to see results of argan oil after 7 days, however, every skin is different and it can sometimes take a longer time for visible results. Continuous use of argan oil on the skin is very helpful. After a while of usage, both old and new stretch marks can begin to fade. Also, the skin remains hydrated and healthy.

Benefits Of Argan Oil

Argan oil is popular for healing stretch marks but there are several other advantages to be enjoyed from applying this oil on the body. Below are the benefits of argan oil;

mom pregnancy

1. Moisturizes The Skin

Argan oil is a very lightweight oil that provides moisture to the skin. When applying on the skin it is best to make sure that the skin is still damp before massaging it around the belly or affected areas.

The skin may easily get dry during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Argan oil is one of the best oils to use if you are prone to dry skin as it contains fatty acids that help lock in moisture to top the skin and stabilize oil production.

2. Promotes Skin Elasticity

Argan remains one of the most effective oils for this effect. Studies have proven that stretch mark creams that contain argan oil works excellently well in fading stretch marks especially when they are in their early stages.

Due to its ability to moisturize and hydrate the skin, argan oil has been associated with promoting skin elasticity as it helps boost the skin’s resistance to stretching.

3. Anti-inflammatory Agent

Usually, the skin stretches as babies grow in the belly. And weeks before a pregnant woman’s due date, it is very common for the skin around the stomach to be itchy due to stretch marks. Using argan oil on your belly can help ease the itch around the area.

4. Promotes Hair Growth

Pregnancy sometimes can come with hair breakage which advances to hair loss sue to an increase in estrogen levels. For expectant moms with such issues, applying argan oil will definitely help promote hair growth. It prevents hair breakage by locking in moisture to hair cells and also providing essential nourishment to the hair.

5. Skin Repair And Nourishment

Argan oil can provide the skin with all the nourishment it requires during pregnancy. It prevents skin damage and repairs the skin naturally. Argan oil gives the skin the strength to heal itself.

Other Oils That Are Safe To Use During Pregnancy

Argan oil is a very effective oil used during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks, moisturize the skin, protect the skin from damage, promote hair growth, and give the skin a natural glow.

However, incorporating argan oil with other safe oils can improve its effectiveness. Here are safe oils to use during pregnancy;

  • Coconut oil
  • Almond oil
  • Tee tree oil
  • Aloe vera oil
  • Levander oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Rose Oil
  • Peppermint Oil

Disclaimer: Although these oils mentioned are safe, it is best to speak to your doctor before using them. And also, make sure to follow all necessary directives when using this oil during pregnancy.

Summing Up

Argan oil is a very effective oil for the skin and also for the hair, and the good thing about it is that it is very safe for pregnant women. Argan oil is very effective for fading out stretch marks, and also nourishing and repairing the skin.

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