Baby Measuring 2 Weeks Behind: What to Do

Baby Measuring 2 Weeks Behind: What to Do

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As an expectant mom, it can be frightening to discover that your baby is two weeks behind on the growth scan. It is relatable to be worried and confused about your baby’s well-being and development.

This condition is known as Fetal Growth Restriction or Intrauterine Growth restriction. It is identified when the unborn baby’s weight and size are a few weeks behind. This can sometimes indicate a health issue such as a heart, lung, or liver problem, and most especially malnutrition.

Moreso, it is great to understand that this doesn’t always occur as a sign of a health issue, as babies generally grow at different paces and also come into their unique shape and size. Notwithstanding, it remains best to seek your doctor’s guidance for the necessary steps to take.

This blog post is dedicated to giving you in-depth knowledge of the potential reason why your baby’s growth is behind by 2 weeks, and also provides you with tips to ensure that you and your baby scale through this amazing journey safe and sound. Let’s get started.

Fetal Growth Chart

Here is a tabular illustration that reveals fetal measurement;

Gestational Age (per week)Length (cm) Weight(grams)
6 Weeks 0.32 cm1 gram
7 Weeks0.32 cm1 gram
8 Weeks 1.57 cm 20 grams
9 Weeks 2.30 cm 27 grams
10 Weeks3.1 cm 35 grams
11 Weeks 4.1 cm45 grams
12 Weeks 5.4 cm58 grams
14 Weeks6.7 cm73 grams
16 Weeks14.7cm93 grams
17 Weeks16.7 cm117 grams
18 Weeks18.6 cm146 grams
19 Weeks 20.4 cm181 grams
20 Weeks22.2 cm223 grams
21 Weeks25.6 cm360 grams
22 Weeks27.80cm430 grams
23 Weeks30.6 cm568 grams
24 Weeks32.2 cm600 grams
25 Weeks34.6 cm660 grams
26 Weeks35.1 cm784 grams
27 Weeks36.6cm875 grams
28 Weeks37.6 cm1005 grams
29 Weeks39.3 cm1153 grams
30 Weeks40.5 cm1319 grams
31 Weeks41.8 cm1502 grams
32 Weeks43.0 cm1702 grams
33 Weeks44.0 cm1918 grams
34 Weeks45.0 cm2146 grams
35 Weeks46.1 cm2389 grams
36 Weeks47.8 cm2813 grams
37 Weeks48.3 cm3028 grams
38 Weeks49.80 cm3236 grams
39 Weeks50.7 cm3435 grams
40 Weeks51.3 cm3619 grams

Fetal Growth Restrictions Explained

Fetal Growth Restrictions Explained
Image: Wikimedia Commons

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) formerly known as Intrauterine growth restriction (IURR) is a condition that is identified as a slowed or restricted growth of a fetus during pregnancy.

When it is certain that a baby has fetal growth restrictions, it means that the growth and development of the baby are slow or stunted, thereby causing their size to be below the range of the average range of their gestational age.

That said, the fetal condition can be very concerning and alarming for expecting parents, as it may be an indication of a health issue or a complication in the course of the pregnancy. The most common cause of fetal growth restrictions is placenta issues.

Other causes include heart conditions, lung issues, smoking, drug use, poor diet, and nutrition as well as high blood pressure. However, by following your doctor’s instructions, expectant parents can ensure that their bundle of joy arrives safe and sound.

Reasons Why Baby Is Measuring 2 Weeks Behind

The following are the possible reasons why your baby is measuring 2 weeks behind;

1. Placenta Issues

The placenta is a vital organ that ensures the growth and development of babies in the womb. Through the placenta, the baby gets access to nutrients from food consumed by an expecting mom. It also ensures that the baby gets enough blood flow and oxygen.

That being said, when there is an issue with the placenta such as placenta previa, and placenta abstruption, access to the essential needs of the fetus will be compromised or limited.

2. Miscalculations

If the dating calculations are incorrect, it might seem like your baby is 2 weeks behind. Gestational age is estimated by the first day of the last menstrual flow, however, this method is not always accurate and precision is not fully certain.

3. Genetics

The genetic makeup of the fetus also has a huge role to play in this. If for instance the baby has inherited health problems such as sickle cell amenia, falling behind by 2 weeks is bound to occur.

4. Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR)

This is another reason why your baby is weighing or measuring 2 weeks behind. To ascertain that this is the cause, expecting parents have to see the doctor for diagnosis.

What To Do When Baby Is Measuring 2 Weeks Behind

When a baby’s measurement is 2 weeks behind, the following following are the necessary steps to take;

  1. Set up a regular doctor’s appointment, more preferably get in contact with a high-risk doctor for medical checkups and well-informed guidance on the best action to take. This will ensure that your baby’s growth and development are closely monitored with regular scans and ultrasounds.
  2. It is also very important to take your nutrition and diet very seriously. Expectant mothers should always consume healthy foods and a well-balanced diet so that the unborn can enjoy enough nourishment that aid their growth and development.
  3. Mom-to-be should try as much as possible to avoid strenuous activities like lawn mowing, kayaking, hiking, and other stress-related activities. Taking a lot of rest can be very helpful in situations like this, bed rest may even be required.
  4. For maternal issues like drugs and smoking, it is best to avoid these harmful substances while on your journey.


For the sake of your journey, it is best to not worry if your baby is two weeks behind. The fact is, even if your baby is two weeks behind, it can still grow and develop perfectly fine and also live a normal life once born.

However, it is still important to seek medical guidance and advice from an OB/GYN or a high-risk OB/GYN to eliminate any underlying threat to the baby. Moms-to-be are expected to be diligent with follow-up care such as regular ultrasounds and scans to closely monitor the growth of the baby.

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