10 Toddler-Approved Snacks That Are Surprisingly Healthy

Colleen Mulcahy
10 Toddler-Approved Snacks

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We all understand that snacks get bad press, especially when it comes to keeping your toddlers healthy. Toddlers naturally do not eat well at mealtime, hence why snacks can come in handy, but you must choose healthy options.

I know coming up with snack ideas for your toddler can be challenging. Nevertheless, they are rapidly growing and will need this bit of nutrition for their development. Whether you are on vacation, on a road trip, packing daycare, or pre-school lunch, snacks are essentials, and luckily there are toddler-approved snacks that are surprisingly healthy.

Between squeezing snacks into a busy toddler’s schedule and finding something they will like, snack time can feel like a lost battle. But that doesn’t have to be the case! Enchant your child and simplify your life with these amazing toddler-approved healthy snacks!

A Few Things To Know About Toddler Snacking

Being a toddler is a full-time job that eats up all their energy, so it is crucial to their health and overall mood to offer plenty of healthy snacks.

Toddlers are learning more about independence, but they still need a lot from us. Give them a healthy start by keeping these general rules in mind when snack time comes around:

  • Offer more than one option.
  • Don’t get upset when they just don’t like it.
  • Offer water with snacks, and save milk for mealtime.
  • Cut everything into toddler-sized pieces or shreds.
  • Follow food safety rules and keep/serve hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
  • If you are an adventurous eater, try offering more seasonings and spices, but don’t add extra salt.

The 10 Easiest Toddler-Approved Healthy Snacks

When it comes to kids, snack time is anytime. So, next time your little one tummy starts to rumble or does not have a proper meal during lunch, here are lists of healthy snacks to offer them.

Great deals to snatch for your little ones 🎉

1. Hummus 

toddler eating hummus

Hummus is a beautiful snack for all ages, including little ones! Toddlers adore hummus for its familiar texture and creamy flavor. Start with plain store-bought or homemade hummus and pair it with your special little one’s favorite dippable foods, like crackers or veggies. It’s a great way to deliver a little extra plant-based protein and vitamins in a fuss-free package!

2. Air-Fried Sweet Potato Cubes

Toddlers are hardwired to love sweet things, so why not let them have their cake and eat it too!? Or in this case, it’s not cake but rather sweet potatoes! Kids of all ages love the starchy texture and mildly sweet flavor of these spuds. That is why they’re the perfect toddler snack!

Wash, peel, and small dice a sweet potato. Toss it with a little cooking oil and cinnamon before air frying the cubes for about 10 minutes at 380°F. Allow them to cool before serving them to your child with a little yogurt or ketchup to dip in. 

3. Fresh Fruit Salad

Toddler eating fresh fruits

Many parents struggle with picky young eaters who only want fruit. Why fight it, though, when you can just make yummy fruit salad!? Fruit salad is a great way to let your little one have their favorite fruit while still challenging them to try something new. 

Build your little one’s perfect snack salad around their favorite fruit, and make sure there is plenty of it in the mix. Also toss in a few new flavors like kiwi, mango, or melon. Be sure to cut everything very small and watch your toddler devour foods they’ve never seen before!

4. Smoothie

It’s easy to overlook how things look and feel from a toddler’s perspective, but to them everything is new. The experience of textures, flavors, and temperatures that come from eating is still new and can be a fun place to explore!

Introduce your child to cold foods with a delicious fresh smoothie! It’s easy, fast, and customizable to your child’s likes and needs. Start with a simple kid-approved combo like strawberries and bananas, toss them in the blender with ice and liquid, and blend it up! Serve it to your toddler with a straw or spoon and watch them light up at the fun experience of snack time on ice!

5. Deli Slices

toddler eating deli slices

For a toddler, all the time is play time, so rather than stress over little ones who just want to play with their food, why not offer them foods that are easy to play with!? Try offering your toddler cut-up deli slices with cheese and crackers. They can stack their slices as they eat and have fun the whole time!

6. Quesadilla

There are few snacks as easy or yummy for little tummies as a quesadilla. All it takes to make this toddler favorite is a microwave, so it’s perfect for when you need the snack ready in a flash! Get your toddler hooked on whole grains while they’re young by making this familiar food with whole wheat tortillas!

7. Veggie Fritters

toddler eating deli slices

A lot of kids have an aversion to veggies, but sometimes all it takes is a change of texture to get your toddler hooked on greens. 

Try making a simple veggie fritter for your little one. Combine steamed broccoli, cooked shredded potatoes, and bread crumbs. Form the mixture into small discs and then air fry them for about 5 minutes at 375°F. Serve them with your child’s favorite dipping sauce, like ketchup, ranch, or honey mustard.

8. Corn Salsa

No matter your age, just about everyone loves corn, so offering corn at snack time is a no-brainer! A fun way to celebrate the naturally sweet and toddler-approved flavor of corn is in fresh salsa. 

Toss together steamed corn, diced tomatoes, and a little lime zest to make a very fast salsa for your little one. Serve it with a spoon. You can also make it a sensory snack by letting them dip torn-up corn tortillas in the salsa and eat with their hands!

9. Topped Yogurt

Topped Yogurt as Snacks For Toddlers

Yogurt is a yummy way to ensure that your child is getting their calcium and vitamin D without having to fight them overeating. It has a wonderfully smooth, toddler-approved texture and yogurt can be upgraded with an endless array of flavors!

Try serving your little one plain yogurt with sliced berries on top or flavored yogurt with some crunchy cereal puffs for texture. You can also opt to go portable and try yogurt tubes and pouches for a healthy snack on the run!

10. Bread with Nut Butter

It’s easy to get caught up in trying to do more when it comes to parenting, but it’s crucial to remember that you are doing your best and you are enough! So when things get stressful, and you need a toddler snack that has been tried, tested, and true for generations, try bread and nut butter. This classic combination has vitamins, minerals, flavor, and texture; what more can you ask for!?

Use whole wheat bread and try peanut, almond, or hazelnut butter. Be sure to cut the bread into small bites and be ready for a sticky mess! If your precious little one has a nut allergy, you can still enjoy this quick and easy snack. Just trade the nut butter for Sun Butter, a nut-free spreadable snack. 

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